Saturday, October 22, 2011

Oldest Japenese Koi Fish In The World - 266 Year Old Japanese Koi Fish - PICTURES

Have you ever hear about the oldest japanese koi fish ? and what is it's age and origin.

Here you are to know all about the oldest japanese koi fish of the world. She was the japanese koi fish and died at the age of 226 years.

Japanese Koi fish is One of the longest living vertebrate ever recorded, Hanako translated into English as Flower Maid is proof that women do live longer than men.

Japanese Koi Fish are a domesticated kind of the common carp kept for decoration in artificial rock pools and ponds, there are types which are known to age to more than 200 years.

The 5lb female koi fish from Japan died at the age of 226 in 1977. Born in 1751, 25 years before American independence, her old age could be accounted for by removing one of her scales and examining it extensively, similar to counting rings of a tree.

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